Oral Presentation Guidelines

To assist presenters with preparing the talks for ARAS 2023 please take note of the following information:

Length of Presentations

Accepted abstracts will have a 20 minutes presentation slot, please refer to the programme for detailed information on your presentation date and time.  It is recommended that you check the programme regularly as it is subject to change.  This is comprised of 15 minutes presentation time with the remaining 5 minutes to be utilized for questions and answers.  Session chairpersons will be instructed to adhere to the allocated times strictly.

Where abstracts have been included in roundtable sessions or workshops, the authors will be notified of the time allocated separately.

Presentation Format

  • Presentations should be prepared in Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 or later.
  • Screen layout should be 16:9 format for optimal display.
  • Should your presentation be prepared in a different format or programme please notify the organisers well in advance so that the technical team can be briefed accordingly.
  • Presentations may include video and audio files. These should be embedded in your presentation.

Presenting Author Registration

Presenting authors must be registered for the symposium.  Registration is available online at Registration – Apimondia Africa 2023

We look forward to seeing you at ARAS 2023 and to hearing your interesting presentation.  For any questions or assistance please contact Kerry Firmani – Kerryf@turnersconferences.co.za

Speaker Preparation

A speaker preparation area will be available at the symposium. 

All presenters must check-in at the speaker preparation area to confirm they are present and to upload their presentation onto the server.  Please bring your presentation with you on a memory stick.  If you do have embedded audio and video files these should also be saved separately on a memory stick so that they can be re-embedded if required.

Presentations should be uploaded at least 2 hours before your scheduled presentation time. 

Presenters will have an opportunity to go through their presentation once uploaded at the speaker preparation centre where an experienced technician will be available to assist you with uploading onto the server.

Presenters may email their presentations to Kerryf@turnersconferences.co.za however they are still required to check in at the speaker preparation area to check that all is in order with their received presentation.