Poster Presentation Guidelines
Poster presentations will be on display for the duration of the symposium, Wednesday, 22 March 2023, 08h00 onwards and be removed by Friday, 24 March 2023 before 13h00. Poster boards will be located in the Exhibition Hall.
Paper Size
A0 – 841mm x 1090 mm PORTRAIT.
A poster should include a clearly visible title at the top centre, followed by author and affiliation information underneath, including e-mail address / addresses.
Effective visual display of information is essential in a poster presentation. To achieve this goal, author(s) should concentrate on two or three main points and should prefer graphic displays over text to illustrate their message effectively. Overall, a poster should have more graphics than text. In addition, graphics should be simple to understand, with contrasting colours and no grid lines.
Poster text should be easily readable from a distance of 1-2 metres, and 1.5 or 2 lines of spaces should be used between each line. It is advised that authors should also pay attention to the following points:
- Headings should be 25 % larger than normal text. Bold or other colours may be used.
- Text should be kept to a minimum, and each block of text should include no more than a few sentences.
- Larger than usual fonts may be used in results and discussion sections to draw attention, while smaller fonts may be preferred for methods.
- Smaller fonts may be used for citations and acknowledgement.
- Suggested font sizes are:
- Main title: 78 -96 pt (bold, uppercase)
- Author(s): 72 pt (bold, title case)
- Affiliation(s): 48 pt (normal, title case)
- subheading: 36 pt (bold and uppercase)
- subheading: 30 pt (bold and title case)
- Body of the text: 24 pt (normal)
Please carry double sided tape to stick up your poster. The congress organisers will provide Prestik as a backup if required.
Presenting author registration
Presenting authors must be registered for the symposium. Registration is available online at Registration – Apimondia Africa 2023
We look forward to seeing you at ARAS 2023 and to hearing your interesting presentation. For any questions or assistance please contact Kerry Firmani –